By Alex Ofori Agyekum
Otiakrom – Shallom E/R Jan 27, GNA – The Seventh Day Theocratic World Congregation has ended the celebration of Passover for Salvation at Otiakrom-Shallom near Aburi in the Eastern Region.
Apostle Dr. Kadmiel E.H. Agbelenyo, Founder and Leader of Seventh Day Theocratic World Congregation told the Ghana News Agency in an interview after the celebration that the feast of Passover should be called the feast of Salvation because it saved the Saints.
He said it must be believed that salvation began with deliverance of the Hebraic Ancestors from the land of Egypt. This was true because all the Hebrews were commanded to consume the Passover meal before their departure from the land of Egypt.
The object in Passover ceremony was to apply of the Blood of the domestic animals on the doorposts which separated the house of the Hebrews from the house of the Egyptians. “Without controversy, the domestic animal killed in Egypt represented Christ Jesus in the New Testament dispensation.”
“Christ Jesus has therefore become the Paschal Lamb whose blood will deliver from the eternal destruction. However, only those who celebrate the Feast of Passover without blemish can be saved from eternal destruction – 1 Cor. 5:6-8.”
Apostle Agbelenyo said all the Hebrews were commanded to keep Passover, however, only that their male children shall be circumcised. Female children were not included in the circumcision order. It was therefore wrong to circumcise the female child as required by some traditions.
“Under the gospel dispensation, the circumcision law has been replaced with the ordinance of the water and spiritual baptism.”
He noted that just as circumcision was required before the Paschal meal so was the water and spiritual baptism required.
“Verily, only those who are baptized physically and spiritually could consume the Paschal meal. It was therefore important that those who would keep Passover shall repent, confess trespasses and be baptized physically and spiritually, the step unto the Kingdom of Yahweh.”
The Apostle added only children of Satan; the Devil would reject the gift of salvation – the Paschal ceremony. It is the desire of God Almighty that all the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob shall keep Passover-the feast of Salvation (Exodus 12:47). Thus, God did command a second Passover in the month of Abib. Truly, there is divine judgment and punishment for those who intentionally disregard the Paschal meal.
The anti-Paschal members of the Seventh Day Theocratic World Congregation would spiritually be excluded from the kingdom of God because they have rejected the salvation work of the Creator of the World.
He said members of his congregation who had not been baptized with water and Holy Spirit and have not eaten the flesh of Christ Jesus and drank not the blood of Christ Jesus shall be judged.
“Any unbaptized children of the Pastors and Deacons, as well as members who have not baptized before FC 6022/ AD 2025 Passover would not be considered the legitimate members of the Seventh Day Theocratic World Congregation. It is because their names are not recorded in the Register of Heaven – Luke 10:17-20.”