Shortage of potable water hits Central Tongu

By Kekeli K. Blamey 

Adidome (V/R), Oct. 14, GNA – Residents in Central Tongu District are facing shortage of potable drinking water following the floods that hit communities after the spillage of the Akosombo Dam.  

It has been three days since residents had access to potable water, a situation they described as difficult. 

Mr Gaglozu Amudzi, one of the affected residents, said the polluted spilled water was the only source through which his family could get water to cook and bathe. 

He said the spillage had caused havoc and they still had no other option than to fetch from the lagoon.  

Mrs Amudzi Stella, another victim whose house and other valuable properties were submerged, said she had to live with a relative for the past three days without potable water. 

She said the situation was becoming worse and they mostly found it difficult to get water to bathe and wash. 

Mr Joel Kafui Mortey, Production Manager, Community Water and Sanitation Agency, said they were working hard to resolve the situation. 

He said the spillage had affected their production but assured that they would be fixed soon. 

Mr Thomas Moore Zonyrah, the District Chief Executive, Central Tongu, urged residents to stay calm as the District Assembly ensured that all problems were addressed. 

However most affected farmers were forced to harvest their crops prematurely. 

The victims hope that potable water would  soon be made available to prevent them from developing health complications from using the polluted water.