More teachers needed in rural communities – Kofi Asare

By Richard Kusi

New Edubiase (Ash), Oct. 6, GNA – Mr Ebenezer Kofi Asare, Adansi South District Director of Education, has called for urgent action by the Ministry of Education and the Ghana Education Service (GES) to post teachers to areas where they are needed most.

He said since teachers were now directly posted from the headquarters of the GES, it was important for the authorities to distribute teachers fairly to ensure that rural and deprived schools received the required number of teachers to facilitate quality teaching and learning.

Speaking to the Ghana News Agency on the occasion of World Teachers’ Day, he pointed out that equity in teacher distribution was critical to achieve the objective of providing equal access to education for all, at all levels.

“Currently, when you go to some schools in the cities and big towns, teachers are overstaffed, whereas in most rural schools, one teacher is catering for about four classes.

This is not fair and there is urgent need for a second look to this”, Mr Asare stated.

He also stressed the need for newly trained teachers to accept postings to rural communities where their services were needed most, saying, teaching in a rural community was not a punishment as was being portrayed by some teachers.

Mr Asare pointed out that, it was through the toil and hard work of rural dwellers, who were mainly farmers, that the country was having enough food and other cash crops, which were prospering the country’s economy.

He congratulated Ghanaian teachers, especially those in rural and deprived communities for their dedicated services and hard work, which had made many young people climbed higher in the educational ladder and playing meaningful roles in the country’s development.

Mr Asare urged the government to provide the needed support and incentives to teachers who accepted postings to rural and remote communities to help motivate them to give out their best.

He also stressed the need for the provision of the necessary infrastructure and logistics to promote quality education delivery in rural and remote communities.