Clergyman urges women to aspire for leadership positions

By Patrick Obeng

Accra, March. 28, GNA – The Very Reverend Paul Akrofie, Circuit Women’s Fellowship Chaplain of the Nungua Circuit of The Methodist Church Ghana, has called on women to aspire to take leadership positions to ensure equal representation in society.

This, he said would help accelerate the rapid development of the nation and the Africa Continent as a whole.

Very Rev. Akrofie made the call at the opening of this year’s rally of the Accra Diocese Women’s Fellowship of The Methodist Church Ghana in Accra on the theme ‘Living the Transformed Life in Jesus.’

He said women constituted more than 50 per cent of the African continent and needed to be equally represented in all spheres of the society to help in decision-making.

Very Rev. Akrofie said women were endowed with skills and talents which could be harnessed to accelerate the development of the nation and the African continent.

However, he said most of the leadership positions on the continent of Africa were occupied by men saying this can be seen in the boardroom and all levels of society.

‘What has accounted for the low representation of women was both structural and historical and that the African society had been largely patriarchal with men leading in all spheres of society’’, Very Rev. Akrofie said.

He explained that leadership was not about titles, but service, stepping forward and mobilising people to fix problems of the society.

Very Rev. Akrofie charged the diocese to do everything possible to ensure that they provide an opportunity to inspire the next generation of young women who were looking to serve in leadership position in the civil and public service.

Sister Mavis Amui, the Diocesan Chairperson said the aim of the rally was for the circuits to come together to fight for a common goal.

She said the diocese was putting up a school to complement government’s efforts at providing quality education for all Ghanaians.

Sister Amui charged the youth to desist from, all forms of negative tendencies that may ruin their future aspirations.

She advised drivers to also desist from driving under the influence of alcohol as ‘we celebrate the Easter festivities to ensure an accident-free celebration.’