Treason trial: without fingerprints you cannot tell who kept the guns

Accra, June 14, GNA – Mr Victor Kwadjoga Adawudu, counsel for five of the ten persons being tried for an alleged high treason, says without fingerprints on the guns seized, one would not know those who had them in their possession.

Mr Adawudu was Cross-examining Detective Chief Inspector Michael Nkrumah, an investigator in the case, and the thirteenth prosecution’s witness.

Defense counsel asked the witness whether he was given any documents containing fingerprints of exhibits—the two guns—and he answered no.

He had earlier told the Court that no statements accompanied the two guns which were handed over to the investigating team when the three were arrested at the military shooting range, Teshie.

He stated, if that was the case then the issue about the arrest of Dr Frederick Mac Palm, Donya Kafui and Staff Sergeant Sule Kwadwo Awarf (the star witness) for testing firing the guns was a facade.

Without any statements taken from the three with fingerprints, you cannot arrive that Dr Mac-Palm Kafui and Sule were arrested, Mr Adawudu said.

Mr Nkrumah said it was not true because the three confirmed to him that they were arrested by the military when they went for the test firing and the guns retrieved which he got from the military.

The Counsel said there had been closed circuit television at the Citadel Hospital owned by Dr Mac Palm but the arresting officers deliberately refused to bring any footage before the Court because there were pieces of evidence that would implicate them.

He also said because the officers had planted weapons at the Hospital and because they did not want evidence against them, they took the camera away.

However, witness challenged that it was false because after his checks, he realised that the CCTV was in a different case that had been released to the owner- one Sylvester Owusu Bempah.

The Defense Counsel also put it to the witness that Bright Alan Debrah only presided over a meeting that formed the Take Action (TAG).

The High Court also heard that Kafui was delayed from going back to Alavanyo after making the weapons for the alleged overthrow of the Government but he was intentionally given a faulty revolver (gun) to repair in order to gather enough evidence from the alleged plot.

Dr Mac Palm, Kafui, Debrah, Johannes Zikpi, Colonel Samuel Kojo Gameli, Warrant Class II Esther Saan, Corporal Seidu Abubakar, Lance Airforce Corporal Ali Solomon, Corporal Sylvester Akankpewu and Assistant Commissioner of Police Dr Benjamin Agordzo are together standing trial.

They have been slapped with charges including conspiracy to commit crime to wit High treason, high treason, abatement of crime and possession of weapons.

All ten have denied the respective charges and are on bail.