Overcome your fleshly desires – Anglican Bishop tells Christians 

By Rosemary Wayo 

Tamale, July 28, GNA – Right Reverend Dennis Debukari Tong, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Tamale has appealed to Christians to invest time in growing spiritually to overcome fleshly desires. 

He emphasised that conquering fleshly desires was crucial to avoiding the downfall of Christians. 

He cited the downfall of King David, as accounted by the Bible, saying the King experienced a setback because he could not control his desire for Bathsheba. 

He said this while delivering a sermon on Sunday in Tamale. 

The sermon was themed: “The Fruit of the Spirit.” 

Right Reverend Tong emphasised the need for Christians to pray fervently for themselves and all Christians to ensure that they improved spiritually in mastering their emotions and flesh. 

He said Christians must exhibit obedience to God to overcome temptations, adding obeying God-shaped character is in the right direction. 

He said: “The temptations are there but we must overcome them and live as children of God reflecting his character.” 

He asserted that the Christian and by extension church, had a responsibility to minister to people both for spiritual and physical needs.