Sixteen civilians reported killed in clashes in Syria

Cairo, Aug 11, (dpa/GNA) – At least 16 people have been killed since violent clashes began several days ago, between pro-Iranian fighters and the Kurdish-led, US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) in eastern Syria, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said on Sunday.

There are seven children among those killed, the British-based war monitor added.

At least 35 civilians and seven militiamen have been injured, it said.

Clashes began in Deir al-Zour province on Wednesday.

The region has been witnessing shelling and clashes, prompting civilians to flee the area.

Earlier in the week, the observatory said the violent clashes broke out, after fighters from tribal forces loyal to Iran, who who are also loyal to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, attacked and took control of checkpoints and military posts belonging to the SDF forces.

The SDF are a close ally of the United States, in the fight against Islamist terrorists in Syria.

The conflict in Syria began in 2011 with peaceful protests against the government. The protesters were met with a harsh crackdown by government forces, resulting in a civil war.

Syrian government forces now control two thirds of the country, while opposition forces mainly control areas in north-west Syria.