Peace Unity declaration by Palestinian factions paves way for peace

RAMALLAH, July 27, (Xinhua/GAN) — The signing of a declaration in Beijing by 14 Palestinian factions, aimed at ending division and strengthening unity, is widely seen as a positive step toward Palestinian national reconciliation, bringing fresh hope to the long-suffering Palestinian people.

The most important consensus reached at this dialogue, is to achieve grand reconciliation and unity among the 14 factions, and the core outcome is to make it clear that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), is the sole legitimate representative of the Palestinian people.

The dialogue also highlights the agreement to form an interim national reconciliation government, focused on the post-war governance of Gaza.

Meanwhile, it calls for the creation of a truly independent Palestinian state, in accordance with relevant United Nations resolutions. The signing of a declaration on ending division and strengthening unity by 14 Palestinian factions in Beijing, is “an additional positive step” toward achieving Palestinian national unity, Hamas said on Tuesday.

This announcement came at an important time as Palestinians are facing an ongoing conflict, especially in the Gaza Strip, said Hossam Badran, a member of Hamas’s political bureau, adding that the solution represents “the ideal and most appropriate national solution” for the Palestinian situation, after the conflict.

The Beijing Declaration represents an important step toward achieving Palestinian unity, and ending internal divisions that have negatively affected the Palestinian cause for decades, Abdulaziz Alshaabani, a researcher at Al Riyadh Center for Political and Strategic Studies, told Xinhua.

In a statement on Tuesday, the Palestinian presidency said, it appreciated China’s support to help the State of Palestine obtain its full membership of the United Nations, and to hold an international peace conference to implement the two-state solution.

It also expressed the gratitude of Palestinian President, Mahmoud Abbas, and the Palestinian leadership for China’s extensive efforts, to support the Palestinian people across all levels, and in various international forums.

China has played a crucial role in facilitating this agreement through mediation, and providing political and diplomatic support,
Alshaabani said, underscoring China’s commitment to promoting stability in the Middle East, and its active contribution to resolving international conflicts.

Ding Long, a professor at Shanghai International Studies University, told Xinhua that thanks to the continued efforts of the Chinese side, the Palestinian factions came to China to participate in the talks.

China has consistently supported the just cause of the Palestinian people, and China, as a responsible country, has successfully brokered an Iran-Saudi deal, and gained the trust of the Palestinian factions, Ding said.

The success of negotiations in Beijing, demonstrates the growing maturity of China’s mediation diplomacy in the Middle East, Ding said.

The Beijing Declaration has addressed pressing issues, such as the establishment of an interim national reconciliation government, carrying out reconstruction in Gaza. It has also outlined long-term objectives, including resolving the Palestinian issue through a two-state solution.