Media Practitioners complete training in audio-visual storytelling

Nii Martey M. Botchway

Kolkata, India, July 19, GNA – The India Technical and Economic Cooperation (ITEC), training programme in audio-visual storytelling, for media and allied practitioners has ended in Kolkata, India.

The programme, News and Current Affairs using State of the Art Tools Iteration, hosted by the Satyajit Ray Film and Television Institute (SRFTI) offered the participants an opportunity to acquire new skills and build their capacities.

Speaking at a valedictory ceremony for the participants, Prof Sudipta Bhaumik, the Course Coordinator, expressed appreciation to the Indian government for offering the SRFTI the opportunity to host the training programme.

He congratulated the participants for successfully completing the program, and urged them to make the most of the opportunity offered them by using the knowledge they have acquired to impact their communities and countries.

He said the institute would continue to partner with the Ministry of External Affairs to train more people under the ITEC program.

The participants also expressed their appreciation to the Indian government and faculty of the SRFTI for the opportunity and the training experience.

The three-week programme, financed by the Indian government through the ITEC.

Participants were taken through foundational tenets of news reporting and journalism ethics, interviewing techniques, different news styles, and explored various news platforms.

They also explored ethical challenges in Artificial Intelligence driven news.

Additionally, participants had a hands-on session in a news studio setup where they practiced news production control skills.

In all, eleven participants drawn from Armenia, Botswana, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Fiji, Ghana, Guyana, Kenya, Nicaragua, Peru and Syria including the Ghana News Agency’s Nii Martey M. Botchway participated in the programme.