Kolkata’s iconic yellow taxis: the last of a series

By Nii Martey M. Botchway

Kolkata, India, July 17, GNA – In the bustling streets of Kolkata, a city steeped in history and tradition, a fleet of yellow taxis are part of its iconic features.

The yellow taxi popularly called the Ambassador car, was introduced to the city in the 1950s where quickly grew and became an integral part of the city’s landscape by the 1970s.

They have been the lifeline of the city for generations, chauffeuring passengers through its ever crowded streets.

However, as the city modernises and regulation on emission tightens, the yellow taxi fleet is fading out.

The once-mighty fleet’s relevance in the city wanes as the company that manufactured the iconic Ambassador cars ceased production in 2014.

The rise of app-based cabs, with their sleek interfaces and competitive pricing, as well as the reluctance of drivers to go to certain areas, high fares, language barriers, and limited safety features of the yellow taxis have lured passengers away from the once prestigious cabs.

Despite being old and rickety, the yellow taxis compete with other vehicles on the streets of Kolkata and provide a unique experience for passengers; they still hold a special place in the hearts of Kolkatans.

While the few remaining drivers said they struggle to make ends meet, efforts are being made to preserve the legacy of the once-iconic vehicles that plied the streets of Kolkata.