Women Incorporated trains Women-led Cooperatives in organisational development in Takoradi  

By Mildred Siabi-Mensah  

Anaji (WR), June 15, GNA – Women Incorporated, (WInc), a social enterprise organisation in collaboration with the Department of Cooperatives, Western Region, has conducted training on Organisational Development and Leadership for the Executives of selected women’s cooperatives in the Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolis.  

Ms Ama Darko, a Director with the WInc said bringing Women led cooperatives together for the training had become prudent to grow their understanding in leadership for organisational development, business, and financial management to ensure that their businesses became more sustained, profitable, whereas ensuring improved homes and societies.  

She said women hold the key to family life and when they were keenly followed, taught, and directed in their small businesses, positive growth would take place for the benefit of society.  

The cooperatives would receive post training in coaching and mentoring and “we will hold their hands and guide them to implement what they have been taught,” Mrs Patricia Abena Kissi, Director and Resource Person of WInc said. 

She told the class that the rise and fall of every organisation hinged on the aptitude of the leader despite the challenges the organisation was exposed to. 

Mrs Kissi educated them on types of leaderships such as transactional and transformational leaders and urged them to be transformational leaders committed to the vision and mission of their Cooperatives and leading through and through for it to be actualized. 

She said conflict was part of every human endeavour but the key to successful leadership was how such inevitable were handled.  

Mrs Kissi took them through record keeping, building teams for sustainability, communication skills, innovation, and growth. 

The Mpohor Municipal Director of the Department of Cooperatives, Ms Jemima Acquaah encouraged the participants to be confident in their chosen businesses, work well to enhance their businesses and implement what they have learnt in the training. 

She said, “please take this knowledge session seriously so you can share with members in your organisation for holistic growth.” 

Women Incorporated is working with women cooperatives to provide guidance, support, and capacity building to make then profitable and sustainable entities.