“Galamsey Economy”: OSP closes investigations into Adu Boahen’s case

By Edward Acquah

Accra, Oct. 30, GNA – The Office of the Special Prosecutor (OSP) has closed its investigations into a suspected case of corruption involving Mr Charles Adu Boahen, a former Minister of State at the Ministry of Finance.

Mr Adu Boahen was implicated in the investigative exposé, “Galamsey Economy,” published by the Tiger Eye P.I in November 2022.

The OSP commenced investigations into the matter in November 2022 following a referral by President Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo- Addo, and a complaint by Tiger Eye P.I.

The OSP in a report dated October 30, 2023, said though Mr Adu Boahen engaged in influence peddling during a meeting with supposed investors in Dubai, “there is no actual criminal prohibition of his acts in respect of which the OSP has a mandate to further act.

“On that reckoning, the Special Prosecutor directs the closure, at this time, of the investigation in respect of allegations of corruption and corruption-related offences involving Charles Adu Boahen contained in the investigative documentary titled Galamsey Economy published by Tiger Eye P.I.

“The investigation may be re-opened should the circumstances and further facts so dictate,” the OSP said.


The OSP found that Mr Adu Boahen, during a meeting with the supposed investors in Dubai, “on his own volition”, suggested 20 per cent of the intended investment of $500 million as his cut.

It said Mr Adu Boahen, following further enquiry by the supposed wealthy sheikh into what was required to make his investment successful, suggested the prudence of the payment of an appearance fee of $200,000 to the Vice President.

The OSP said the supposed sheikh offered Mr. Adu Boahen $40,000 in cash as shopping money, which the latter accepted “with gratitude”.

The OSP said Mr Adu Boahen stated that he politely accepted the cash gift in order not to offend the sensibility of a potential wealthy investor looking to invest half a billion United States dollars in Ghana.

OSP’s assessment

In its assessment of the audio-visual recording, which was forensically verified as part of the investigations, the OSP said Mr Adu Boahen’s demand for 20 per cent cut in the supposed investment and a cash gift of $40,000 was “outrightly improper”.

Mr Adu Boahen’s suggestion of the payment of an appearance fee of $200,000 to the Vice President was quite reckless, the OSP added.

“All the indices point to the conclusion that Mr. Adu Boahen’s principal motivation was his own personal gain though he intimated to the supposed sheikh that he was driven by the potential developmental benefits to Ghana of the proposed investment,” it said.

Way forward

The OSP said unlike other jurisdictions where influence peddling was strictly prohibited, such acts had not been specifically prohibited in Ghana as crimes per se.

The OSP joined calls for the passage of a Corrupt Practices Act to comprehensively codify the prohibition of all forms of corruption.