Blossoming Futures: The Remarkable Journey of the Ghana Garden and Flower Show

By Emmanuella Yamoah

Accra, Aug. 18, GNA – In the bustling City of Accra, a seed was planted in 2013. A seed that would grow into a movement, a beacon of hope for environmental sustainability and a catalyst for transformation.

The GGFS initiative

The Ghana Garden and Flower Show (GGFS), initiated by Strategic Communications Africa Limited (Stratcomm Africa), emerged as the heart and soul of the Ghana Garden and Flower Movement (GGFM).

Over the past 11 years, this extraordinary show has not only left an indelible impact but also transformed lives, dreams, and communities.

As the first GGFS unfolded, something magical happened. People from all walks of life gathered, their hearts embracing the vibrant colours and fragrant blossoms.

The show awakened a deep appreciation for gardens and flowers, stirring sentiments that had long lain dormant.

Families started creating their own little patches of paradise in homes that had been devoid of nature’s touch for far too long. Unusual gardens began to sprout in unexpected places, breathing life and beauty into concrete jungles.

The seeds of inspiration found fertile ground in the hearts of the Ghanaian youth. The GGFM nurtured their dreams, encouraging them to explore the possibilities within the floriculture and horticulture industry.

Knowledge blossomed as workshops and conferences unveiled the commercial, aesthetic, environmental and health benefits of plants and flowers. The youth, once skeptical, now saw gardens and flowers as gateways to their own success.

They began to envision a future where they could forge careers, generate income, and contribute to the nation’s development.


Through the Show’s partnership with the Israeli Embassy on its Green Innovation Competition, young people are engaging in transformative and innovative work that is helping change the perception and behaviour towards Agriculture and Technology.

The Israeli Embassy provides tailored resources, fostering innovation and growth and this strategic partnership empowers young entrepreneurs, fostering confidence and enabling them to turn their visions into reality in the realm of green innovation.

Moreover, the GGFS serves as a platform for young entrepreneurs to showcase their ideas and projects to potential investors and sponsors.

By participating in the exhibition and engaging in discussions with industry experts, they can attract the attention of financial institutions and organizations looking to support innovative and sustainable initiatives.

This exposure and networking opportunities enhance their chances of securing funding and partnerships, ensuring the sustainability and growth of their businesses.

GGFS’s Ecosystem

GGFS offers a comprehensive ecosystem that encompasses knowledge sharing, networking, and capacity building for young people in the agriculture, floriculture, and horticulture industry.

By facilitating conversations with industry experts, connecting them with potential collaborators and investors, providing them with job opportunities to enhance their livelihoods, business development, industry best practices, capacity building sessions and a lot more.

The show empowers young entrepreneurs to turn their dreams into flourishing businesses, driving economic growth and innovation in the sector.

Amidst the enchanting atmosphere of the show, lives took a transformative turn. A member of the GGFM board, a seasoned banking professional, found herself captivated by the allure of flowers.

Her heart yearned for an additional path, one where petals danced under the sun.

With unwavering determination, she bid farewell to the corporate world and embraced a full-time flower business, inspiring others to follow their true passions.

Within the vibrant canvas of the show, narratives of personal triumph illuminated the scene. A young doctor, already excelling in her demanding profession, encountered the GGFS.

The enchanting array of floral wonders provided her with an avenue to explore an unexpected passion. Delving into the creation of delicate flowerpots, she found both solace and inspiration, nurturing a therapeutic escape that soon evolved into a blossoming business.

Through the show, these professionals discovered a realm, where their expertise harmoniously intertwined with the vibrant world of green innovation, empowering them to contribute meaningfully while embracing their unique journeys.

The Ghana Garden and Flower Show not only touched individual lives but also fostered communal growth.

Modern flower centres sprouted across the nation, breathing new life into local economies. Rose plantations, once mere dreams, became vibrant realities, perfuming the air with hope.

Established businesses, like wayside gardens, expanded their horizons, creating employment opportunities and uplifting communities. The show ignited a fire within the youth, sparking a desire to develop flower plantations, cultivating fields of possibilities.

As we reflect on the incredible journey of the Ghana Garden and Flower Show, we are reminded of the tapestry woven with threads of inspiration, passion, and growth.

This event has transcended its role as a mere exhibition, leaving an indelible mark on hearts and minds. It has transformed into a symbol of transformation, a testament to the power of nurturing dreams.

Today, as we take stock of the Movement’s progress, we find ourselves at a pivotal juncture.

The Ghana Garden and Flower Show has not only inspired a deeper connection to the environment but also sparked a movement for climate action.

By showcasing the environmental and commercial potential of agriculture, floriculture, and horticulture, it has illuminated a path towards a greener, cleaner, healthier, wealthier, and more beautiful Ghana.


As we move forward, let us carry the lessons learnt from this journey into our lives.

Let us continue to promote environmental stewardship and sustainable practices, using newfound understanding to create a better world for generations to come.


The Ghana Garden and Flower Show is not just an event; it is a catalyst for positive change.

“With the environment as our foundation and innovation as our guide, we can build a future where beauty, prosperity, and sustainability intertwine seamlessly”.

The writer is a Communications and Media Relations Consultant, Stratcomm Africa