World Vision Ghana celebrates achievements under Saboba Programme

By Solomon Gumah

Saboba (N/R), July 31, GNA – World Vision Ghana, an international non-governmental organisation, has celebrated achievements chalked under its Saboba Area Programme, emphasising positive impacts made on beneficiaries on the various interventions it provided over 20 years.

Miss Laura Cristina DelValle, the National Director of World Vision Ghana, in a speech read on her behalf at a durbar, said the interventions contributed to improving the welfare of children, families and communities with special care for the most vulnerable in the area.

The durbar, attended by various stakeholders, beneficiary communities and schools, marked the end of the World Vision Ghana’s Saboba Area Programme.

The Saboba Area Programme started on October 01, 2003, to bring about major transformation in sectors such as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), livelihoods, education, child protection amongst others.

Many communities in the area including Kpeegu, Nyolokani, Garimata, Sambuli, Gbon, Nayil, Kujooni Kunkunzoli, Bokpal, Sobina among others in the Northern region benefited from the Programme during the 20-year period.

Ms DelValle said since the inception of the Programme, World Vision Ghana had invested $9.9 million in reaching out to over 37,000 people in various communities in the area.

She said 105 boreholes were drilled to serve 31,500 people, while an additional 12 limited solar-powered mechanised water systems were also provided to benefit a population of 14,400 other.

“To sustain these gains and continue to maintain the water facilities, 150 pump maintenance volunteers have been trained and equipped with tools to take up the responsibility after exit,” she said.

She appealed to stakeholders in the area to rally support and coordinate all actors to strengthen community level groups that were key to sustaining the gains made over the years.

Mr George Kitingyaab Bingrini, the Saboba District Chief Executive, said the interventions of World Vision Ghana contributed significantly to the overall development and safety of children in the area.

He said the interventions ensured a noticeable decrease in child mortality and an increase in school enrollment.

Mr Fortunate Apaazi, the Saboba District Director of Social Welfare and Community Development, commended World Vision Ghana for its unwavering support and immense contributions towards child protection and livelihood improvement in the area.

He pledged the support of the Department of Social Welfare and Community Development to sustain the child protection groups and committees to continue to promote the welfare of children in the area.

Master Evans Baaboni, the Saboba Area Programme’s Child Ambassador, lauded World Vision Ghana for championing the voices, aspirations and safety of children and other vulnerable groups in the area.