Motorists decry state of abandoned La Beach Road

By Muniratu Akweley Issah

Accra, June 13, GNA – Residents and motorists in Teshie in the Ledzokuku Municipal area have appealed for the speedy completion of work on the La Beach Road.

They attributed series of road crashes on the stretch to the bad state of the road and said it was time it was fixed.

Brigade, near ‘A’ life junction on the stretch, is reported to have recorded some accidents because part of the constructed bridge is left uncovered.

Mr Emmanuel Asare Koranteng, a resident of Brigade, said about six accidents were recorded every night, adding that the absence of street lights had worsened the situation.

He said: “From the cold store down to the police station, towards the A life junction, the road was designed to be a dual carriage way but the road ends at a bridge, which has not been completed. 

“Drivers come with top speed and before they realise it is too late so many of them crash with the concrete.

“Majority of the accidents are so deadly and most vehicles destroyed beyond repairs..,” he said.

Frank Amadu, another resident, said: “Some drivers are new on the road and have no idea about the nature of the road. They come with top speed and crash unfortunately. ”

He told the GNA that the situation was very dire, and that it could happen to anyone.

Kwame Aziriya, a Mechanic along the stretch, said the road leading to the Bridge had no road signs to divert drivers, and attributed the crashes to that.

“We see a lot of people with broken legs and jaws, we keep rescuing people every day and the situation is unbearable. I am appealing to the contractor and authorities involved to come back to site to complete the project,” he appealed.

Mr. Samuel Kwashie Tawiah, Assembly Member for Tsuibleoo South Electoral area, noted that apart from the accidents, motorists continued to experience slow traffic during rush hours because of the construction work, causing discomfort to drivers, passengers, and pedestrians.

“It is really a worry; traffic is very slow when coming from Lascala to Mobile between the hours of 1500 to 2200 hours. We are told they have abandoned the project due to lack of funds. We are appealing to the government to let them come back to site and complete the project”, he added.

Mr Kweku Attakow Diafo, Resident Engineer, La Teshie-Nungua Road project,construction, told the GNA that the project had been on hold as the government was embarking on a debt restructuring programme.

Though he was unable to tell when construction work would resume, he was optimistic that the project would be completed within four to six months when work resumed.

Mr Diafo discredited reports of accidents on the dual carriage road, saying technically, the road had not been opened to motorist.