MOGA ‘99 Raises Funds for Library/ICT  Lab 

By J. K. Nabary 

Saltpond (C/R), June 22, GNA-The 1999 year- group of Mfantseman Old Girls Association (MOGA) has launched its 25th Silver Jubilee with a call on alumni to be part of a legacy project for the school.  

The launch coincided with fundraising in aid of an ultra-modern legacy ICT Library Project estimated at GHC600,000.00 of which every year group is expected to contribute until it is completed in March next year. 

Mrs Hawula Osman, the President of the ‘99-year group, who made the call, stated that the Mfantseman Girls ‘Senior High School, had a rich history of producing exceptional women leaders who were contributing immensely to the development of Ghana. 

The legacy of the school, she said, was something that they could be proud of and urged all stakeholders to endeavour to invest in the future of the students through the fundraising campaign for their legacy project. 

Mrs Osman stated that the legacy project was aimed at providing the current and future students with access to quality educational facilities, by constructing a state-of-the-art library that would help meet the needs of the students.  

The fundraising marked the 25th anniversary of MOGA and hosting the 2023 Speech and Prize-giving Day celebration of the school, she said.  

Mrs Osman further indicated that the facility would have a wide range of resources which included books, journals, e-books and online databases, to enable the students to expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons. 

She called on stakeholders in education, corporate bodies, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), and friends of the school to make donations towards the project to help create a legacy that would benefit generations of young girls to come. 

Mrs Martha Amoako, the Group Sponsorship Chairperson, said planning for the anniversary commenced this year after the group took the baton in March from their predecessors.  

She explained that each year group of students on attaining 25 years, embarked on a major project to support the school and urged all to support these efforts. 

Mrs Hilda Addah, the MOGA Fundraising and Project Chairperson, said they could not achieve their dream without the support of all alumni, and friends of the school and in that regard, appealed for the partnership to realise their objectives. 

Ms Veronica Naana Arthur, MOGA-86 Group President, who chaired the event, commended the group for coming together to raise funds for the project and appealed to all the members to make it an obligation to support with funding for the project to be completed on schedule.  

Very Rev Eric Amihere, who represented Most Rev. Dr Paul Boafo, the Presiding Bishop of the Methodist Church Ghana, applauded the group for remembering what God had done for them and obeying the word of God.  

He encouraged all to join the ‘99-year group to raise funds for the completion of the project to receive more blessings from God.