Survivors stuck without water or heat as deaths near 16,000

Feb 09 (BBC/GNA) – Nearly 16,000 people are now known to have died after Monday’s earthquakes in southern Turkey and northern Syria.

Without shelter, water, fuel or electricity the World Health Organization fears many survivors could yet lose their lives.

It says there’s a danger there will be a secondary disaster which may cause harm to more people than the initial quake.

At a garage In Iskenderun, queues form outside as people try to buy supplies.

Shop worker Sema says she hasn’t left the shop since the earthquake, because they have been so overwhelmed with customers.

“I haven’t moved from here. We are running short of items and can’t get more supplies,” she tells us.

She fears that the shop will be looted and now stands at the door letting only three customers in at a time, unless rescue teams need food or drinks.

She doesn’t know how much longer the stock will last.

Rescuers are continuing their painstaking work but hopes are fading for the many still trapped under the rubble.

Dozens of British charities will launch an appeal later to raise funds for people affected.

Turkey says it hopes to open two more border crossings into Syria to enable the delivery of much-needed supplies there.

GNA/Credit: BBC