Germany: Initiative for improved skilled migration launched in Ghana

Berlin, Feb 21, (dpa/GNA) – German Cabinet ministers Hubertus Heil and Svenja Schulze, are committed to improving the management of labour migration to Germany, they said on Tuesday during a trip to West Africa.

Their two ministries, labour and development, announced on Tuesday that the German government is undertaking a “paradigm shift in German migration policy.”

The proposed law lowers the hurdles for skilled labour immigration, and encourages people willing to emigrate to be better supported in their home countries.

“The aim is to use safe, regular and orderly migration for mutual benefit,” the government said.

Schulze and Heil’s visit to West Africa, began in Ghana, where they aim to give the starting signal for the policy reform, by releasing a joint declaration with Ghana’s Labour Ministry.

The ministers said the policy, was not meant to take skilled workers away from Ghana, but rather represented a “win-win situation.”

In Ghana, he said, there are many young people who are well-educated, but currently have hardly any opportunities on the domestic labour market.

A Ghanaian-German migration advisory centre in Accra, which opened in 2017, is to be further developed as part of the initiative, giving comprehensive information for people on routes to work in Germany.

The rest of the ministers’ five-day visit, is aimed at tackling child labour in cocoa production, and other unethical production practices.