Gov’t committed to improving educational outcomes in Obuasi  

By Frances Dorothy Ward, 

Tutuka (Ash), Oct. 10 GNA – Dr Patrick Boakye Yiadom, the Member of Parliament for Obuasi East, has assured the residents of government’s commitment to improving educational delivery in the area. 

He, therefore, commended stakeholders in the constituency for demonstrating greater commitment towards improving quality education to complement government’s efforts.  

Dr Boakye Yiadom said his office and the district assembly has been responsive by providing the needed infrastructure and other logistics to address some of the challenges facing quality education in the district. 

 “If you talk to teachers in the district, you will realise that we have been supplying furniture, replacing dilapidated school buildings and have added more schools to the school feeding programme,” he said. 

 Dr Boakye Yiadom said this at the best teacher awards ceremony to mark this year’s World Teachers’ Day in the district, where 13 teachers were rewarded for their hard work and dedication to duty. 

The Overall Best Teacher for the area went to Madam Araba Stephens, the Head-teacher of the Independence ‘B’ JHS at Brahabebomee, who received a Chest freezer, citation and certificate. 

The theme for this year’s World Teachers Day is: “The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers”. 

 Established in 1994, the Day seeks to raise awareness on the importance of the role played by teachers all over the world in education delivery. 

Dr Boakye Yiadom called on teachers to continue to work hard to improve teaching and learning outcomes while serving as role models to the youth. 

Mr Kwabena Owusu Nketia, the District Director of Education, said the awards were to recognise the contribution of teachers towards the development and improvement of education.  

He called on the Government and teacher unions to look into the 16 allowances due teachers as captured in the Collective Bargaining Agreement but were not being paid. Currently, teachers enjoy only two of the 16 allowances. 

Madam Araba Stephens, an awardee, attributed her successes to 31 years of selflessness, dedication to service and hard work.  

 She said most of the children she had taught now occupied higher positions in society, which gave her satisfaction as a teacher. 

The awards would serve as a morale booster for her and her colleagues to continue to improve upon education in the district, she said.