Roads Minister tips JUSTMOH Construction Ltd. for Takoradi-Agona-Nkwanta Road 

By P. K. Yankey 

 Bokro (W/R), September 30, GNA- Mr Kwasi Amoako-Atta, Minister for Roads and Highways has announced that the 66-Kilometer Takoradi-Agona Nkwanta dual carriage Highway would soon be awarded on contract to JUSTMOH Construction Ltd in Takoradi.  

The move followed the deplorable nature of the stretch which opens the country to Tarkwa and the Western-North Region as well as the Nzema and La Cote D’Ivoire border. 

Mr Amoako-Atta dropped the hint at Bokro, when he inspected works on the two-kilometre emergency sectional repair works on the Takoradi-Apimanim road and the steel bridge at Ewusiejoe at the Ahanta-West Municipality as part of his inspection of major roads in the Western Region. 

The Minister was accompanied by the Western Regional Minister and Member of Parliament for Takoradi Mr Kwabena Okyere Darko-Mensah and other engineers from the Ghana Highway Authority (GHA), the Ministry and Urban Roads Department. 

The temporary repair works of the major Highway were being executed by M/S Gabriel Couto Rango Consortium. 

Mr Amoako-Atta, who was not satisfied with the progress of work so far, urged the contractor to redouble efforts to patch up the road very well to pave way for motorists and pedestrians plying on that stretch of road to avoid unnecessary traffic on the road. 

For his part, the prospective contractor for the project, Mr Justmoh said he was ready for the project and assured the Minister of quality work as soon the green light was given to him to speed up the development of the Western Region.