Properly groomed children will create well-functioning societies

Accra, March 07, GNA — Parents, guardians, the church and government have been advised to take keen interest in the development of children and groom them into responsible adults.

“The leaders we want to have tomorrow should be informed by how we are training and shaping the lives of children today. Children are very important because they are our future leaders. If we want a decent and well-functioning society, then let’s take good care of children.”

“Today you may see them as little and feeble but tomorrow they will be the leaders and be at the helm of affairs. If they are molded very well, then we will have a very sustainable, decent, and strong society in future.”

Reverend Dr. Abraham Obeng-Amoako, Former Head of Operations, Assemblies of God, Ghana, gave the advice on Saturday at the 20th Anniversary celebration of the Assemblies of God, Ghana Children’s Ministry, in Accra.

He said children could not take care of themselves and that was why God, in His own wisdom, brought them into the world through parents.

That, he said, meant that right from inception, someone was supposed to be responsible for the proper upbringing of children.

Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako said children had many things competing for their attention, as such, they could easily make wrong decisions that would destroy their future.

“Parents are to guide children to make responsible decisions to fulfil their destinies on earth. God has a plan for every individual, including children and so, we are not to force anything on children. It is when parents are directing and shaping their future that they’ll grow up to become exactly what God created them to become,” he said.

Rev. Dr. Obeng-Amoako quoted from Proverbs 22:6 saying, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”

He also advised children to remain obedient, humble and follow the guidance of their parents and guardians, whose years of rich knowledge could shape their future.

He quoted from Ephesians 6:1-3: “Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Honor your father and mother—which is the first commandment with a promise— so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

Rev. Dr. Mark Akwasi Okyere-Kessie, National Director for Children’s Ministry, Assemblies of God, Ghana, said the Children’s Ministry was relevant because it had groomed many children in the fear of the Lord and brought transformation to others who did not know God.

He said it was important for parents and stakeholders to invest in children for a sustainable future.

“Ghana needs to focus on children to take over the helms of leadership one day. When we groom them right from this tender age and teach them good moral standards it would prevent many vices and make the country a better place for us all,” he said.