First heat record-highs of the year in south-east Europe

Athens, Jun. 5, (dpa/GNA) – Temperatures in south-east Europe are reaching extreme levels earlier than in other years.

The Greek Meteorological Office says three regions in the country experienced temperatures of over 39 degrees Celsius on Tuesday, the highest temperature recorded at the beginning of June.

The Cypriot weather authority issued an extreme heat warning, with temperatures on the Mediterranean island expected to reach 44 degrees in some places on Tuesday and the following days.

“High temperatures are a health risk for vulnerable people, such as the elderly and small children,” it said, and urged people to follow the instructions of the authorities.

In general, doctors advise people to avoid outdoor activities during the day, to drink plenty of fluids, and to wear loose-fitting, light-coloured clothing.

Turkey has also been hit by the heatwave, with temperatures exceeding 30 degrees. The Meteorological Service says temperatures are 8 to 12 degrees above the seasonal average. Meteorologist Orhan Şen told CNN Türk that the current temperatures could be just a harbinger of extreme heat waves in July and August.

With the persistent heat and drought in the region, there is growing concern about wildfires – especially in Greece, where huge areas fell victim to the flames last summer.

This year, 3,543 small and medium-sized forest fires had already been registered by the beginning of May – an increase of 22% on the previous year, according to the Greek fire service.

One reason for this was the very dry winter, which caused drought in parts of the country. As a result, fires – whether started deliberately or caused by negligence – quickly spread.