RNC acknowledges Trump is the presumptive nominee

Mar 6 (CNN/GNA) – The Republican National Committee formally acknowledged former President Trump as the 2024 presumptive Republican nominee for president on Wednesday, shortly after former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley officially dropped out of the Republican primary. 

“Congratulations to President Donald J. Trump on his huge primary victory!” RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said in the statement. “I’d also like to congratulate Nikki Haley for running a hard-fought campaign and becoming the first woman to win a Republican presidential contest.” 

The statement comes just days before an expected leadership change at the RNC where McDaniel is likely to step down from her post and Michael Whatley, the chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, is expected to succeed her. Trump had endorsed Whatley to lead the RNC and has also said he would install key lieutenants at the organization once he became the presumptive nominee. 

Once a party has a presumptive or formal nominee that party’s national committee normally melds closely with the nominee’s campaign. In this case, the RNC is set to align closely with the Trump campaign going forward.  

GNA/Credit: CNN