Danfa women, girls receive free breast screening

Agnes Ansah 

Accra, Oct. 25, GNA – Some 50 women and schoolgirls in Danfa, a community in the Madina Municipality, have received free breast cancer screening and education. 

The exercise, which took place at the Danfa Health Center (DHC), was put together by the Association of Women in Media (ASWIM) and the DHC. 

It forms part of ASWIM’s activities to mark the Breast Cancer Awareness Month celebrated in the month of October globally. 

Madam Mavis Kitcher, President, ASWIM, advised the participants to take breast screening seriously because it could enable one to detect and treat breast cancer at an early stage.  

She said available statistics showed that about 60 per cent of breast cancer cases in Ghana were detected in the advance stages because women were ignoring symptoms and not seeking early care. 

She asked women to change that narrative because their families were depended on them. 

“Our families need women-the wives, mothers, aunties, sisters and daughters to thrive and so does our nation Ghana, so it is important that no woman ignores her good health,” she said. 

The Deputy Director, Nursing Services, DHC, Madam Lydia  Fusena, spoke about other preventive measures women could take aside screening to ensure they were free from breast cancer. 

She said that for adolescent girls and women, who still menstuarated, a self-breast examination after every menstruation would help detect and cure breast cancer if there was any. 

For married women, Madam Lydia said that they could undertake a self-breast examination with the help of their husbands. 

She advised the women to allow their husbands to suck their breasts to help prevent breast cancer.