Chiefs lament status of Ativikope M/A primary school, calls for urgent action

By Kingsley Mamore

Ativikope(O/R) Jun 2, GNA – Chiefs and Authorities at Ativikope near Dambai in the Oti Region have appealed to the Ministry of Education to construct a classroom block for the Municipal Assembly(M/A) Basic school in the community.

Togbe Emmanuel Akor, headman of the community said this would help improve effective teaching and learning in the school thereby ensuring sustainable academic excellence in the Ativikope community, in an interview with the Ghana News Agency.

He said over the past years he had reported the bad condition of the school to the Krachi East Municipal Education Directorate, but the situation persisted, expressing worry about how the school had been neglected by the current and previous governments and other relevant stakeholders over the years.

The chief underscored the urgent need for classroom facilities to accommodate the kindergarten pupils, Basic and Junior High School students.

A visit to the school by the GNA noticed that the school has no toilet facility, science and computer laboratories, library among others to enhance teaching and learning.

Mr Boye Nyugmorko, the School Management Committee Chairman was worried about the current state of the school and therefore appealed to government and the Ghana Education Service to provide table and chairs for teachers to sit and mark students exercises and assignments.

Some community members engaged by GNA said the school needed decent classrooms and stressed that if the problem persists the school parents and guardians will be compelled to withdraw their wards from the school.