Rohingya say they won’t return to Myanmar to be stuck in camps

Dhaka, May 8, (dpa/GNA) – Rohingya Muslims living in crowded Bangladeshi refugee camps, say they will not return to Myanmar only to become to stuck again in camps offered by the Burmese military authorities.

“Returning to Myanmar without ensuring citizenship rights would make us unsafe again,” Mohammad Rahimullah, a Rohingya man who recently visited Myanmar to see resettlement arrangement made by Myanmar as part of an effort to repatriate refugees from Bangladeshi camps, told dpa by phone on Monday.

He said the Rohingya Muslims do not want to get confined in yet another camps in Myanmar.

“We want to go back to our land, to our village,” he said adding that they were told that the Rohingya would have to stay in camps for at least five months before they could possibly return to their villages.

“It is hard to believe that we would be transferred to our villages from the camps,” he said.

Both Myanmar and Bangladesh have been engaged in consultation, since then for a safe and voluntary repatriation. Previous efforts for Rohingya return failed twice in 2018 and 2019 amid the refugee’s lack of trust in the Myanmar government.