Pope Francis tells African Jesuits resignation ‘not on my agenda’

Rome, Feb 16, (dpa/GNA) – Pope Francis made clear earlier this month that he was not thinking of retiring, according to private remarks to members of the Jesuit order in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), that were made public in Italy in Rome on Thursday.

The pope indicated that he did not want papal resignations to become “a fashion, a normal matter.”

During the conversation, Francis recalled that his predecessor, Benedict XVI, had resigned for reasons of ailing health.

He then added: “I do not have that on my agenda.” He also said the papacy was for life. “If we listen to the chatter, then one would have to switch popes every six months.”

Following a complicated operation on his colon in the summer of 2021, Francis, 86, has referred repeatedly to the possibility of resignation for health reasons. A knee problem has meant that he has often remained in a wheelchair during official engagements since the start of last year.

He has also confirmed that he composed a letter of resignation soon after his election in 2013, in the event that something happens to his health and he is unable to independently decide on retirement.

Following his visit to the DRC at the beginning of the month, Francis then travelled to South Sudan, where he was again asked during a private meeting whether he was considering retirement.

“No, that has not occurred to me,” he responded.

Francis will mark his 10th anniversary as pope on March 13.