Catholic schoolteachers urged to instill Christ’s values in learners

By Anthony Adongo Apubeo

Lungu (U/E), Feb 12, GNA – Catholic school teachers have been advised to as matter of importance instill in pupils and students values of Jesus Christ to help groom them to become responsible and contribute significantly to the development of the society.

Mr Francis Awan Ndago, Bongo Local Manager of Catholic Schools who made the call said teachers played critical role in shaping up learners and stressed that it was important for the relationship between teachers and their learners to be like that of the good shepherd and his sheep in the Bible.

“Good shepherds have compassion, love, care, protection for the flock and become role models, mentors, coaches and friends to their flock,” Mr Ndago said while addressing the closing durbar of the Bongo District Catholic Education Week held in Lungu in the Bongo district.

“On the other side the flock become faithful and obedient to the shepherd so that the care becomes loving and enjoyable. I urge all facilitators and learners to learn from the example of Jesus Christ as a Good Shepherd.”

This year’s celebration was held on the theme “The Catholic School Teacher, a Good Shepherd in Our Contemporary Time” and was held at Fr Lebel basic schools in Lungu.

The Local Manager noted that the Catholic Church had over the years been working to bring education to the doorstep of every child due the belief that education held the key to unlocking potential and bringing development.

Mr Ndago explained that the Catholic Education Unit in the Bongo District had worked closely with major stakeholders particularly the Ghana Education Services to improve infrastructure of schools and built the capacity of teachers to improve performance.

“As a unit, we have in all the years been active in providing infrastructural support in the areas of good drinking water (boreholes), student furniture, classroom spaces and teacher accommodation.

“Also, some needy student support, learning materials, teacher capacity building intervention and pupil grooming and safeguarding programmes have been implemented in our schools,” he added.

He stated for instance that through various interventions some schools had performed well and added that “we are able to reach out to a total of 13 primary schools and 10 Junior High Schools with competitive performances over the years.

“In the past two years the St Anne Primary has represented the Upper East Region at the Nations Reading Festival for Grade 1 and 3 respectively and performed very well”.

The Local Manager, however, mentioned inadequate infrastructure such as classroom blocks, teaching and learning materials, teachers among others in the schools and urged the stakeholders to work together to address the challenges to improve quality of education.

Mr Atoripoe Nyaaba, School Improvement and Support Officer, GES, Balungu Circuit, said it was imperative for teachers to lead as role models for the young ones to emulate as part of maintaining the mission and identity of the Catholic Church.

“In an increasingly complex and compromised world of freedoms and rights, this task is more important than ever.

“It is not just about preserving tradition, but about ensuring our schools remain vibrant centers of faith, learning, and formation, shaping young people who are not only academically successful but also deeply rooted in Gospel values; faith, hope, love and justice,” he said.

Mr Thomas Azure Alukuke, Head teacher of Fr Lebel Primary School, thanked the Catholic Education Unit for the support the school had received over the years and said, the teachers would continue to work hard to mould responsible citizens for development.

Naba Nyaaba Kolsomo-Maalzirro-Lagdiita, Chief of Lungu, lauded the Catholic Church for expanding education to the area and added that the intervention had over the years empowered many people in the community to fit well into society.