Palestine takes official seat in UN General Assembly for first time

New York, Sept. 11, (dpa/GNA) – For the first time, the Palestinians have taken their place among the 193 member countries of the United Nations in the UN General Assembly.

At the first meeting of the 79th session of the largest UN body on Tuesday, Palestinian diplomats sat for the “State of Palestine” between Sri Lanka and Sudan.

There was applause from the plenary and an Egyptian representative called it an historic moment. Until now, the Palestinians had only sat at the General Assembly as observers positioned behind the diplomats of the member states.

A resolution adopted by the body in May granted the Palestinians more participation rights and privileges within the General Assembly, where debates take place and no member wields veto power.

It also called upon the UN Security Council to “favourably” consider full UN membership for Palestine. The council has final say in admitting UN members.

The UN General Assembly was also chaired for the first time on Tuesday by its new president Philémon Yang, the former prime minister of Cameroon. He will hold the mainly ceremonial office for one year. After him, the top German diplomat Helga Schmid is set to take on the position.

In two weeks, the annual General Debate of the UN General Assembly will commence in New York with well over 100 heads of state and government. It is the largest diplomatic meeting in the world.