Apostle Dr Ansah urges Christians to live well-ordered lives 

By Iddi Yire 

Accra, Sept 07, GNA – Apostle Dr Samuel Vincent Ansah, Chairman, Ghana National Council of the Great Commission Church International (GCCI), has urged Christians to live well-ordered lives, to attract divine favour and supernatural blessings. 

He said living a well-ordered life was to structure one’s life based on the foundation of the word of God. 

Apostle Dr Ansah gave the advice at the 2024 Ministers and Wives’ Conference of the GCCI Ghana at CDM Bible College at Ayi-Mensah near Accra. 

The week-long Conference on the theme “The Structured Minister, The Achieving Minister”, is being attended by all GCCI Ghana pastors and their wives. 

Apostle Dr Ansah said: “God is a God of order. If you do not love order, you do not love progress”. 

The Chairman cautioned Christians against encouraging people who do not love order. 

He further urged Christians to ensure that their homes were put in order. 

He reiterated that when there was no order, people lived carelessly, which could eventually lead to their destruction. 

He said an ordered house or life makes one the favourite for divine purposes. 

He noted that when one’s life was out of order, one would no longer be productive, and that God finds it difficult to bless people whose lives were out of order. 

Dr Ansah, who appealed to pastors to manage their families well, quoting from the Bible on the qualities of a pastor, said “One that ruleth well his own house, having his children in subjection with all gravity;” 

He said ordered circumstances lead to multiplication miracles. 

He underscored that Churches must have a structure or an organogram for disciple making, as part of efforts to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ. 

Apostle Dr Ansah, who interspaced his message with powerful living testimonies, advised pastors to be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might.