Ohio State University pursues collaboration with GAEC for global health research

Accra, Aug 8, GNA – A delegation from the Ohio State University in the United States of America has paid a visit to the Ghana Atomic Energy Commission (GAEC) to assess the possibility of establishing a research collaboration between between the two institutions.

The collaboration between GAEC and Global One Health Initiative (GOHi), an Ohio State University’s cutting-edge holistic health research institute, would draw on the resources of both institutions to solve major global health concerns.

The four-member delegation was led by Prof. Ousman Murzik Kobo, Director of the Centre for African Studies, a news release issued by GAEC, signed by Mr Anthony Nana Boateng, Director, Commercialisation and Communication, has said.

The other members were Prof. Wondwossen Gebreyes, the Executive Director of GOHi, Prof. Irene Enam Hatsu, Associate Professor of Human Nutrition at the College of Education and Human Ecology, and Prof. Dónal P. O’Mathúna, Associate Professor at the College of Nursing.

Explaining the delegation’s purpose in Ghana, Prof. Kobo said, “We are here to establish partnerships and identify ways to build enduring, mutually beneficial relationships with any institution involved in the GOHi-related healthcare industry.

“Our concept is to engage with our fellow African scholars and researchers in such a way that we can share resources that are mutually beneficial,” he said.

The collaboration would lead to the establishment of West African headquarters in Ghana, the release said.

The delegation was received by the Director-General of GAEC, Prof. Samuel Dampare, the Deputy Director-General of GAEC, Prof. Dickson Adomako, and Directors of the seven technical institutes of GAEC.

Prof. Dampare expressed his delight about the proposed partnership and provided the delegation with an overview of GAEC’s existing projects and research capabilities.

“I believe that the skills and resources of GOHi, combined with the competencies of GAEC, will result in a successful collaboration. We look forward to working together to achieve our common goals”, Prof. Dampare said.

The Director-General also took the opportunity to inform the delegation of GAEC’s 60th anniversary on the theme: “60 Years of Impacting Society through Nuclear Science and Technology—Expanding Our Frontiers.”

Both parties took turns to deliver a presentation on the concept of GOHi, and another on the milestones and achievements of GAEC in health research respectively.

The delegation was later conducted round the laboratories and other facilities of GAEC.