Elections open in Iran, record low turnout expected amid voter apathy

Tehran, Mar. 1, (dpa/GNA) – Iran’s religious leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has opened the elections in Iran under heavy security precautions.

The head of state cast his votes for the parliamentary elections and the Assembly of Experts in the centre of the capital Tehran on Friday.

“The eyes of the people and politicians of the world are on Iran,” Khamenei said after casting his vote. “Both friends and enemies,” he added.

Polling stations are open from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm local time (0430 to 1430 GMT) with the possibility of extra time. The first results are expected at the weekend.

Around 61 million people are eligible to vote on Friday to elect a new parliament and the Assembly of Experts, an influential body of Islamic clerics.

Numerous critical candidates were excluded by the so-called Guardian Council before the elections. The population is disillusioned by the failed reform attempts of the past decades. Many people do not see the point of voting.