Ghana Armed Forces: 81 personnel graduate from two military courses 

By Emmanuel Gamson, GNA 

Takoradi, Jan. 19, GNA – A total of 81 personnel have graduated from the Ghana Armed Forces at its maiden Basic Military Police Course 1/2023, and Drill and Duties Course 1/2023 at the Air Force Recruits Training School in Takoradi.

Of the number, 38 Ghana Air Force Police personnel, comprising 13 females and 25 males, drawn from the various bases of the Air Forces graduated from the 13-week Basic Military Police Course.

The rest were 43 personnel, made up of 41 males and two females, drawn from the Ghana Air Force and the Army, who graduated from the Drill and Duties Course, after going through 13 weeks of intensive training.

Air Commodore Frank Kobla Kudoh, the Deputy Staff Officer of Administration, Ghana Air Force Headquarters, at a passing out parade, congratulated the graduands for their exceptional commitment to the training throughout the period.

Also, the review officer of the parade, Air Commodore Kudoh said the courses were in line with the Chief of the Air Staff’s vision of having a smart Air Force that would train and instill leadership skills into personnel to get them up to their respective tasks.

“One unique feature of this graduation ceremony is the fact that it presents two sides of the same coin. The Drill and Duties course equips you and makes you custodians of discipline in our noble institution whilst the Basic Military Police course equips you with skills to operate as law enforcement officers,” he said.

“Without a doubt, these are the two essential ingredients needed to keep a smart Air Force as envisioned by the Chief of the Air Staff”.

Air Commodore Kudoh, therefore, urged the graduands to see their roles as complementing each other and work in unison to achieve the needed synergy in bringing the vision into fruition.

As pioneers of the courses, their leadership would shape the future of the programmes, he said.

“So embrace the responsibility that comes with being the first and let your actions speak to the dedication and excellence that defines the Air Force Drill and Duties, and the Basic Military Police Courses”.

Some soldiers who distinguished themselves during the courses were honoured.

Sergeant (SGT) Obeng Afua Sandra Konadu, Air Force Base, Accra, won the Chief of Air Staff Award for emerging the Overall Best Student of the Drill and Duties Course.

SGT Antwi Bismark and SGT Osafo Yaw Samuel, all from the Air Force Base, Accra, were second and third-best students, respectively.

SGT Yeboah Kwabena Prince of the Air Force Base, Takoradi received the Master Warrant Officer’s Award for being the Best in Drill.

Lance Corporal (LAC) Baah-Aba Yornam Matilda, Air Force Base, Tamale, won the Chief of Air Staff Award for emerging the Overall Best student of the Basic Military Police Course.

Lance Corporals Addy Ashia Naa Akuyea and Oduro Asaa Rahmat, all from the Air Force Base, Accra were adjudged the second and third best students, respectively.