Uphold and defend the integrity of Anlo-Awoamefia to schoolchildren 

By Ewoenam Kpodo

Dzelukope (V/R) Nov 4, GNA – Togbi Sri III, the Awoamefia of the Anlo State, has charged schoolchildren to uphold and defend the integrity of the state. 

He said critical to that was the need for them to preserve the Anlo heritage, abhor vices and embrace virtues. 

He was addressing Basic school pupils at the 2023 schoolchildren mini Hogbetsotsoza celebrated on Wednesday, November 1. 

The mini durbar of schools is held every first Wednesday in November, three days to the grand durbar of the Hogbetsotsoza, which is the traditional festival of the Anlos. 

Togbi Sri reminded the schoolchildren of the existence of “one Anlo Dukor which is our heritage” which must be protected admonishing them “never be part of any group bent on destroying the good name of Anlo.” 

He also asked the young ones to be wary of the current technological age, which came with it, both the good and the bad pleading with them to make wise choices that would impact their future positively. 

“Remember the choice you make today will determine the standard of your life tomorrow. I plead with you to choose wisely. Whenever you are in doubt as to the choice to make, remember Togbi Sri’s valedictory message to Anlo Dukor.” 

It state in part: ‘‘Criminals are wreckers of nations… Obedient children are ornaments to their parents and the State… Truly the one who lives well is an asset to the State… Debtors should refrain from greed and liars must learn to speak the truth… However, thieves, covetous and saboteurs have no stake in the wealth of the Anlo State.” 

 “Saturday the 4th of November is the durbar day. Many visitors will flood our communities… Show them the Anlo character, personality and identity,” Togbi urged. 

The Awoamefia said while the gathering was about the migratory festival, it was important for the pupils to know that migration in today’s term was no longer from Notsie to Ghana but from ignorance to enlightenment, from poverty to wealth, from diseases to good health and from oppression to independence and at its heart was holistic education. 

He, therefore, implored all schoolchildren to study hard to guarantee a bright future for themselves. 

At the Dzelukope-Vui Circuit Mini Hogbetsotso durbar which had Agbotadua Kumassah, Spokesperson for the Awoamefia as Chairman, eight schools displayed the Anlo culture through dressing and the various traditional drumming and dancing, including the ever popular agbadza, kinka and vehicle for the departure, “misego” or “husago.” 

Madam Christine Seyram Tsikplornu, Head teacher of R.C. Basic School, in an interview with Ghana News Agency said “… we’re ever ready and willing to guide our pupils towards a day like this because we know that tomorrow when we’re no more, our history, heritage and culture as a people is protected.”  

The festival, also known as Hogbeza is celebrated at Anloga to commemorate the legendary exodus of the Ewe-Dogbo folks from Notsie in present day Togo.