Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious affairs gears up for policy on religion

Accra. Nov. 14,GNA – The Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs is feverishly preparing for regional stakeholder engagements, a climax of various engagements, to collate views on a proposed National policy on Religion.

The regional stakeholders engagements on a proposed policy on religion will take place around the country from 20th to 27th November 2023.

The policy will seek to create an inclusive and tolerant religious environment for social in cohesion and peaceful coexistence.

Mr Stephen Asamoah Boateng, Minister of Chieftaincy and Regious Affairs says, whilst we may be conversant with economic and social indicators of development, we less often stress on the role religion plays in the pursuit and attainment of development objectives.

Religion defines our values and decisive in the degree of building cohesion, understanding and unity, as we strive as a Country to have an all-inclusive citizen participation in development and in governance. Whilst it is acknowledged the contribution of religious organizations to our social and economic development, particularly in the areas of education and health, there is yet more to be done to bring into fruition our desires and aspirations as a people.

In our effort in building consensus and in defining the development landscape, there is the utmost need to encapsulate all the essential factors capable in directing our efforts, and attitudes in the common enterprise of having a country, developing in freedom with our collective involvement. It is in this regard that religion, which affects lives, is employed to generate passion, patriotism, and values to accept that we have a common destiny.

In recent years, the country’s religious landscape has changed dramatically, influenced to some extent by different theology, ideas and values that are anathema to our held notions of religion. This explains the apprehension and discomfort about some religious practices and influences on society. We must take the bold steps to define the context of practice, collaboration, and the quality of values by religious organizations and denominations.

“This policy we seek to craft through consensus building, engagements and conversations seeks to chart a path for the practice of religion in conformity with the legal framework, but more crucially, the parameters for consensus and deepening of collaboration between the State and Religious bodies to bring socio-economic development to the people, “the Minister said.

Religion and the practice of religion are important in the life of the individuals, collectives, but critically is the application of the values and tenets of the various types or stands of religion prevalent and practiced in the country in the overall development agenda, cohesion and definition, and identification of the country with its district character and resilience, displaying collective mission to achieve development in all dimensions.

There is widespread recognition and acceptance of the contribution made by religion to the development of enterprise through either by mode of contribution, in partnership with the State in the provision of much needed social infrastructure, and in the economic and political life of the country.

Due to the huge potential and importance which religion and its practice can play and contribute, it has become imperative to provide a strategy and a forum for effective participation in national development.

The policy will set the parameters for partnership between the State and Religious bodies, to strengthen collaborative efforts to intensify and diversify the impact of the development effort, for the benefit of the populace.

In actualizing this intent, there is acceptance among faith leaders and adhérents that the existing legal regime must be respected, so that individual freedoms and rights can be enjoyed without any infringements or restrictions.

Policy Context

Experts argue that a policy on religion must take into consideration the constitutional provision regulating the right of the persons and freedom to practice religion of choice.

There is also the consideration of the role of religion in national life, but there is the need to have a framework and guidelines to provide the essential pillars for direction to Religious bodies to function within the context for the legal regime.

Policy Framework

The overall objective of the policy is to have an inclusive and tolerant environment for socio cohesion and peaceful coexistence for national development.


The policy will seek to sanitized the religious space, facilitating Justice, Liberty, Protected Human rights and human security, Peaceful coexistence, Social inclusion and equal opportunities, Discipline, non-discrimination and fairness among citizens


Among its objectives are the establishment of an Agency for Religion to oversee and manage the activities of religious bodies in the country , Curtail the abuse of human rights and protect the vulnerable within the religious space,
Promote inter and intra faith collaboration for peace and unity.

It will also create opportunities for religious bodies to actively participate and contribute to national development. Provide the enabling environment for religious bodies to inculcate in adherents’ values and morals


•   Regulatory framework    •   Human Rights Protection
•   Succession plans 

• Social Cohesion and Peaceful Co-existence
• Religious Pilgrimage • Socio Economic Development • Value Inculcation and attitudinal change
• Mentoring


In Ghana, a greater majority of religious adhérents are in the Christianity, Islam, African Traditional Religion, Baha’l, Buddhism. The individual’s faith has an influence on his or her worldview, interpersonal and societal relationships and national development.

The State, through the Ministry of Chieftaincy and Religious Affairs, is committed to creating an all inclusive environment that permits the practice which enables the expression of positive values for development and cohesion.

We are expecting all stakeholders to come to these important engagements so that together we can make a path to religious tolerance and national development, the Minister said.