Aboabo Number Two assembly woman seeks re-election

By Robert Tachie Menson

Aboabo Number Two (B/R), Nov. 15, GNA -The Assembly Member for Aboabo Number Two Electoral Area, Madam Nancy Yeboah, has appealed to the people in the electorate area to vote and retain her in this year’s Assembly Election.

She told the Ghana News Agency (GNA) at Dormaa in an interview that she wished to continue with the many development initiatives introduced for the people in the three Aboabo communities in the Dormaa Central Municipality of the Bono Region.

The Assembly woman who was contesting with three other male candidates, enumerated initiatives she had introduced and implemented since her election.

Some of the achievements mentioned by Madam Yeboah included the delivery of COVID-19 materials such as hand sanitisers, veronica buckets and face masks to the community members and organising kid’s parties during Christmas for children in the area.

She observed that the lack of confidence in politics, leadership, governance as well as men refusing to support their wives were some factors hindering women’s participation in politics, governance and accepting other leadership positions.

“Some men feel that when they allow their wives to engage in politics, they would lose control over them, while some think that domestic chores would then then to be their responsibilities,” she added.

She indicated that the Assembly work was difficult and advocated the payment of monthly allowances to support their activities at the local community level, adding that it becomes an embarrassment when one failed to meet the needs of the people at crucial times when their assistance was mostly required.

Madam Yeboah said she was in support of the ongoing advocacy for a change in how Metropolitan, Municipal and District Chief Executives (MMDCEs) were engaged, saying the behaviour of some remained too partisan in their approach to their work.

She asserted that the power given them was to seek the collective interest and development of the people in the area without partiality.

She promised to work with NGOs if re-elected, to continue assisting orphans by donating more learning materials to deserving pupils, as she had already lobbied for the provision of streetlights for the Salvation Army Senior High School, initiated the creation of entertainment centres for the youth, ensured the extension of the school feeding programme and worked with community leaders and telecommunication companies to extend their services in the area.

Madam Yeboah, the first woman to be elected as an Assembly woman in the area, expressed appreciation to her supporters in diverse ways for their encouragement that yielded the great achievements made during her serving period.

She thanked the chiefs for controlling illegal logging and illegal mining in the area and for providing dustbins to the community to ensure proper sanitation practices to prevent outbreak of diseases.