MLGDRD presents logistics to MDAs for SOCO project implementation

By Philip Tengzu

Wa, (UW/R), Oct. 18, GNA – The Ministry of Local Government, Decentralisation and Rural Development (MLGDRD) has presented motorbikes and laptop computers to five Municipal and District Assemblies (MDAs) in the Upper West Region for the implementation of the Gulf of Guinea Northern Regions Social Cohesion (SOCO) project.

Each MDA-Nandom, Sissala East, Lambussie, and Sissala West Districts, received ten motorbikes and three laptop computers while the Wa Municipal Assembly, which received twelve motorbikes and three laptop computers.

The Ministry also handed over five Pickup vehicles to the region to support the project implementation with the Regional Coordinating Council (RCC) receiving a pickup while the remaining four were given to the SOCO Zonal Office.

In August 2023, the first set of six MDAs in the region received their share of the logistics remaining the five MDAs.

Addressing the Municipal and District Chief Executives (MDCEs) and the District Coordinating Director at a brief ceremony in Wa on Tuesday to hand over the logistics, Dr. Hafiz Bin Salih, the Upper West Regional Minister, said the logistics must be used for the intended purpose, saying, “let me warn that they are not going to be given to revenue collectors, not all.”

“I will continue to reiterate that this project is a game changer and we at the RCC will ensure that the project is implemented so that the people of the various assemblies will benefit,” Dr. Salih intimated.

He said the project’s successful implementation would lead to economic liberation for the people at the communities and reduce their vulnerability and susceptibility, especially the youth being influenced to engage in acts that would be injurious to national sovereignty.

“Terrorists are knocking on our door and young people are there and if they don’t have anything to do then they can be lured to do things that will go against their communities and indeed the entire country,” the Minister added.

He also encouraged the MDCEs and their Coordinating Director to ensure proper maintenance of the logistics for them to serve the required purpose.

Mr David Yankey, the SOCO Zonal Coordinator for the Upper West and Savannah Regions, said the project had outlined and started awarding 67 sub-projects with some contractors receiving their award letters.

He said the logistics would facilitate the implementation and monitoring of the sub-projects to ensure their execution according to the prescription and specification of the World Bank and the Ministry.

He said the sub-project included market construction, health and educational facilities, and recreational facilities such as football and volleyball pitches.

Mr Yankey expressed hope that the projects, which were community development driven, would engender social cohesion within the communities.

Alhaji Issahaku Tahiru Moomin, the Wa MCE, who spoke on behalf of the beneficiary MDAs, expressed gratitude for the logistics and gave the assurance that they would be used for the planned purpose to meet the SOCO project timelines and specifications.

He said all the intended sub-projects under the SOCO project were community-driven based on the need assessment tailored towards the needs of the community hence its success would lead to the benefits of the communities.

The SOCO project is a $150 million project funded by the World Bank to be implemented in 48 MMDAs across six regions in the northern part of Ghana with all eleven MDAs in the Upper West Region benefiting from the project.