Bad Weather, Road Condition Disenfranchised Few In Southeast, NEC Releases Preliminary Results

Monrovia, Oct. 12, (LINA/GNA) – The National Elections Commission (NEC) has disclosed that the voting process in parts of Sinoe County, Southeastern Liberia, was stalled due to bad weather and unfavourable road conditions.

The NEC has however, released partial provisional results from two counties – Bomi and Montserrado placing the opposition Unity Party (UP) in a fragile lead.

NEC Chairperson Davidetta Browne Lansanah said at a press conference late Wednesday that the results from Bomi County are from 13 out of 171 polling centers constituting 7.60 percent of the total vote cast.

From the 13 polling places the standard bearer of the opposition UP Joseph M. Boakai obtained 2,543 votes constituting 64.01 percent while President Weah, standard bearer of the Coalition for Democratic Change (CDC) gathered 1,134 votes constituting 28.54 percent.

In a distant third, is the Collaborating Political Parties (CPP) standard bearer Alexander B. Cummings with  32 votes or 0.81 percent of the total votes cast.

In Montserrado County, the NEC boss also  announced results from three polling places out of 2008 places which constitute 0.15 percent of the total votes cast.

From the three polling places, the UP got 576 votes constituting 47.56 percent of the total votes cast while President George M. Weah obtained 547 votes constituting 45.17 percent.

Meanwhile, the NCE boss lamented that voting did not take place in parts of Sinoe and Rivercess Counties due to bad roads and torrential rain as she assured the public that Liberians in those parts of the Country will subsequently participate in the process.

She further assured the public that NEC will dispatch a team to assist the magistrate team in the County as soon as possible after it was reported by Rivercess County magistrate that elections materials arrived late at few of the precincts in District #1  due to flooding of the Tibo river.

Madam Lansanah added that elections were successfully conducted in all of the precincts in the county on the 10th of October except for one precinct with code #36007 comprising one polling place in Suahkon Debah Town due to very late arrival of materials.

The release of the preliminary results were witnessed by local representative, national and international observers as well as media practitioners amongst others. More results are expected to be released by the commission soon.