Paramount Chief of Avenor urges traditional rulers to embrace innovation

By Agbaxode Emmanuel

Akatsi (V/R) Sept. 29, GNA -Togbe Dorglo Anumah VI, the Paramount Chief of Avenor Traditional Area, has charged traditional rulers and the people of Avenor to embrace innovation and improve on all activities to enhance development.

He said the future of every nation belonged to the youth, who needed a stronger and better foundation to grow, hence the need to support them to create a healthy and sustainable wealth for their development.

Togbe Doglo made the call in a speech delivered on his behalf during the launch of the Avenor Tutudoza (festival) at the Akatsi Central Market.

The progress of Avenor should be the responsibility of all, he said, and emphasised the youth being representatives of the future, therefore, must take centre stage of all activities for a better future.

“I have the feeling that this year’s festival will be even splendid than those held before, and let us make this a reality,” he said.

Togbe Dorglo commended his chiefs, queen mothers, elders, stakeholders and all the citizens of Avenor, for the reigning unity and togetherness that continued to drive the progress of the Traditional Area.

He urged them to get involved with donations and ideas, focusing on the theme: “Empowering the Youth of Avenor for Holistic Community Development and Transformation.”

Several activities would precede the main durbar, which would be held on Saturday, November 25.