Over 21, 000 Ghanian health workers trained to deliver quality health service 

By Stanley Senya

Accra, Sept. 21, GNA – A total of 21,500 Ghanaian health workers have been trained in a workforce programme to deliver quality healthcare services to build a resilient health system in the country.  

The benefit comes from a strategic partnership between the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Kingdom Government through the Department of Health and Social Care (UK-DHSC), in collaboration with Ministry of Health.  

The training programme has improved the capacity of health professionals to be able to respond to emerging health challenges and help to build a resilient health system towards the attainment of Universal Health Care (UHC).  

A news release copied to the Ghana News Agency in Accra said the workforce programme was particularly significant as it contributed to all of WHO’s triple billion objectives of more people benefitting from universal health coverage without financial hardship, people protected from health emergencies, better health and well-being as outlined in the Global Programme of Work (GPW13). 

It said the programme has built the capacity of senior health managers and other healthcare workers through various components including strengthening human resources for health systems, public health surveillance, emergency preparedness and response, COVID-19 case management, adolescent sexual reproductive health, adolescent, and youth-friendly health services, maternal, newborn and child health as well as mental health and psychosocial support training. 

The training has enhanced 1,028 (53 per cent females) health workers in quality improvement interventions, which is helping to improve maternal, newborn and child health in all 16 regions. 

The statement said it had improved the skills of 394 personnel (132 females) on mental health and psychosocial support, making such support available in schools, health facilities and communities. 

In addition, the programme has supported the improvement and development of about 19 national frameworks, guidance and tools on workforce management, medical practices, and training in the country. 

Prof. Francis Kasolo, WHO Representative to Ghana said: “Our partnership with the UK-DHSC on this project is a reflection of our shared belief that qualified health workers are the foundation for the delivery of quality health services.” 

He added that: “the success of the programme has demonstrated that we can achieve so much more through partnership.” 

The statement said Mrs Uzo Gilpin, Health Advisor at the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, speaking on behalf of UK-DHSC, commended WHO for mobilising and coordinating partners from different areas of health for the successful implementation of the programme and expressed the commitment of the Government of UK to continue supporting interventions for the health and wellbeing of Ghanaians. 

“The health workforce programme has demonstrated WHO’s role in convening multiple partners and agencies towards strengthening health workforce for better health outcomes,” she added. 

Dr Kwesi Asabir, Director for Human Resources for Health at the Ministry of Health, acknowledged WHO and UK-DHSC for this health workforce programme that has contributed to developing agile health workers who are driving our health sector agenda.”  

It said Dr Ruth Owusu-Antwi, President of the Psychiatric Association of Ghana, noted that the health workforce programme was critical in equipping them with the skills needed to provide mental health and psychosocial support to survivors of the 2022 Appiatse explosion disaster.  

The Workforce Programme was implemented from September 2021 to June 2023 across in two phases, with a combined funding amounting to £3,663,918 from the United Kingdom Government through the Department of Health and Social Care (UK-DHSC), the statement said.  

The continued partnership between WHO and UK-DHSC has demonstrated potential to putting Ghana on the path to building an effective human resource for health towards the attainment of universal health coverage, it added.