China sanctions two US arms manufacturers for sales to Taiwan

Beijing, Sept 15, (dpa/GNA) – China, has put US arms companies Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman on its sanctions list, for selling weapons to Taiwan, the Foreign Ministry in Beijing said on Friday.

Despite China’s opposition, the US government remains determined to supply weapons to Taiwan, in violation of Beijing’s “One China Principle,” ministry spokeswoman Mao Ning said.

The sales damage China’s sovereignty, she added.

“We call on the United States to abide by the One China Principle and the provisions of the three joint China-United States communiqués, and to stop arms sales to Taiwan,” Mao Ning said.

Military collusion between the US and Taiwan must end, and the arming of Taiwan must be stopped, she said. “Otherwise, the US will inevitably face a strong and resolute response from China.”

Lockheed Martin was the main contractor in the sale of US weapons to Taiwan on August 24, China has said.

Northrop Grumman was also involved in many arms sales, the spokeswoman added.

China regards Taiwan as part of the People’s Republic, and has repeatedly threatened to invade it in the past. Democratic Taiwan, with around 24 million inhabitants, has had an independent government since 1949.

Most recently, Taiwan recorded numerous Chinese naval vessels off its coasts and military aircraft, entering its airspace surveillance zone on an almost daily basis.