By Bernard Worlali Awumee
Notsie, (Togo), Sept. 11, GNA – The Chiefs and People of Notsie in Togo have celebrated their annual traditional festival Agbogboza, which was an occasion full of Ewe culture and tradition under the auspices of Togbi Agorkorli IV, Ewefiaga.
The grand durbar, which was held on Saturday saw variety of ewe dance ensemble, people of Ewe descent from Benin, Nigeria and Ghana graced the event.
Togbi Sri III, Awoamefia of Anlo State was special guest of honour at the grand durbar, Togbi Nyaho Tamekloe VI, Togbi Hatsu III of Dzita, Togbi Atieku II of Asadame, Togbi James-Ocloo V, Mama Kokui Deakor II, Mama Ewui Amegashie, Mama Fiaworsinu was among some Chiefs and Queens in his company to grace the occasion at their Ancestral home in Notsie, Togo.
Togbi Sri, in his goodwill gesture made a donation of locally grown Anloga shallots, bags of Afiadenyigba salt, handwoven kente from Anlo and other assorted items to Ewefiaga.
The Asogli state was also represented by some of their chiefs led by Togbe Kassa II, a Divisional Chief of Ho-Ahoe, who represented Togbe Afede XIV, whose Asafo traditional group performed some traditional dances.

Togolese Prime Minister; Madam Victoria Tomegah Dogbe was the guest speaker at the durbar, she said; “We the Ewe are great people and am happy we are joined by our siblings from Ghana, it’s a nice experience.”
“Let us use our festivals to reunite and concretize ourselves,” she said.
Togbi Agorkorli IV, Ewefiaga, in a welcoming address, read on his behalf called on Ewes across all artificial borders to continue to seek peace and development in member countries and urged them to “Hold unto this rich Culture and tradition.”
He called for the education of children of Ewe stock in West Africa to love their culture and tradition values and norms, to shape their future.
Mr. Selorm Klasu, former Togolese Prime Minister was also at the event with other political dignitaries.
Agbogboza is the annual traditional festival of the people of Notsie in the Republic of Togo.
The festival is believed to be for all Ewe descendants due to the history that connects Ewe communities, who migrated from Notsie under the rulership of King Agorkorli I.