Binduri youth condemn recent attacks, appeal for more security presence

Bolgatanga, July 8, GNA – The youth of the Binduri district in the Upper East Region, have condemned the recent unprovoked attacks and killings of some community members and relations in the area.  

Communities attacked were the Gumyoko, Bankango, Binduri and Nayoko, all within the Binduri District. 

In a press release signed by representatives of the affected areas, namely Mr Wuni Bugre from Zuuri,  Mr Tia Nambe from Gumyoko, Mr Papaluci Wube from Binduri, Mr Dramani Idrissu and Mr Ralph Bawah from Nayoko, and copied to the Ghana News Agency in Bolgatanga, the youth expressed their unhappiness towards state actors in managing the events there. 

“The actors behind these murders are faceless, one would have expected that the State Security Agencies would have by now been up and doing to track down the perpetrators, and beefed-up security by now to minimise the recurrence of these needless acts of terrorism. 

“In recent times, there have been harrowing, dastardly acts of murder carried out in the communities of Gumyoko, Bandura and Nayoko all within the Binduri District. The Gumyoko incident occurred at about 1330 hours on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, by some faceless individuals suspected to be coming from or directed by some evil, blood-thirsty individuals from Bazua. They came and shot dead Tahiru Gumah, a 57 year-old man who was taking a rest inside an out-house next to the main family house of the former Chief of Gumyoko’s palace.”  

The second and third murders occurred in the centre of Binduri where a group of young men had gathered to watch football on TV. At about 1900 hours on Thursday, June 22, 2023. Six gun-wielding young people approached riding on three motor-cycles and without any provocation, opened gun fire on the Binduri youth, killing them instantly.    

Mr Innocent Fusheini Hamidu and critically injured Mr Aminu Issifu who was rushed to the Bolgatanga Regional Hospital. Sadly, he passed on, on Wednesday, June 28, 2023.  

The fourth murder case occurred in the Nayoko No.1 Community where the Assemblyman of the Nayoko Electoral Area, Mr Dramani Hamidu was shot at close range while sitting in a shop by his house at about 1900 hours on Friday, June 23, 2023. A motorcycle carrying two gun-wielding men arrived close to the shop and executed that dastardly act,” the youth narrated.  

The youth appealed to the Minister of Interior to urgently impose a curfew in the district and suggested to the Regional Security Committee (REGSEC) and District Security Committee (DISEC) to impose a 24 hour a day ban on riding of motorcycles within the district with immediate effect. 

They also appealed to the Regional Police Commander to consider providing Police patrols within the Gumyoko, Binduri and Nayoko enclaves.

They said the Binduri District had been peaceful until the incidents started occurring and expressed fear that it might be a calculated attempt to extend the conflict in Bawku Central between the Kusasis and Mamprusis in Bawku to Binduri and other communities in the Bawku Traditional Area.  

“We are by this Release, calling on the Ghana Police Service to expedite action in bringing the perpetrators of this heinous crime to book.” 

“We appeal to both factions, the Kusasis and Mamprusi to lay down their weapons and resort to legal means of addressing the Chieftaincy dispute once and for all. This shall engender calm and peace for the good people of Binduri and Bawku to go about performing their daily activities without fear of losing their lives and property.” 

They also called on the REGSEC and DISEC to ensure that politicians desist from interfering in the work of the security forces.