NCCE Official motivates students to aspire for greatness

By Anthony Adongo Apubeo

Tempane (U/E), June 9, GNA – Mr Ali Nashiru, the Principal Field Officer of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) in the Tempane District of the Upper East Region, has encou

Speaking to the school children at separate meetings to mark this year’s Citizenship Week, Mr Nashiru told the students that they could achieve whatsoever they put their minds at and encouraged them to aspire to become great people who would contribute significantly to the development of their respective communities and the country at large.

The broader theme for this year’s celebration is, “30 years of Consolidating Constitutional Democracy: Building National Cohesion through Civic Education and participating in local governance,” with sub-theme as “30 years of Consolidating Constitutional Democracy and National Cohesion: The Role of the Ghanaian child.”

Mr Nashiru said the Citizenship Week celebration was instituted by the Commission to remind pupils and students of their responsibilities as citizens of Ghana.

He said after three decades of stable constitutional democracy, it was important to reinforce civic values in children with the aim to reorient their attitude towards playing positive roles in Ghana’s democratic journey.

“Children are a spring of life and extraordinary blessings to any nation. They are future leaders and change agents in peace building hence, the NCCE’s strategy and slogan of ‘catch them young’

“The ability of Ghana to sustain its democratic gains depends on disciplined citizenry exhibiting values of good governance. Our Ghanaian values hinge on a number of guiding principles in the 1992 Constitution, which can be found in the preamble and other articles,” he stressed.

Mr Nashiru underscored the need for the pupils and students to be law abiding, cultivate sense of responsibility and respect for authorities to build themselves in readiness to serve the country with a sense of nationalism and patriotism.

“Becoming a law-abiding citizen starts by respecting authority and your elders, respecting your community and the planet that you live in” he added.

Mr Musah Abass, a teacher at Kpikpira Junior High School, commended the NCCE for deepening civic education among the pupils and students, adding the move would motivate them to be responsible citizens in future.