Majority of EU countries to miss recycling targets, Brussels warns 

Brussels, Jun. 6, (dpa/GNA) - The majority of European Union countries are at risk of missing targets for recycling waste, the European Commission said on Thursday. 

The assessment is meant to prompt EU member states to “take action ahead of the deadlines,” EU Environment Commissioner Virginijus Sinkevicius said. 

Eighteen of the bloc’s 27 members are currently set to miss at least one of the main targets for the year 2025, a press release said. 

From 2025 at least 55% of so-called municipal waste, like household waste, must be recycled and prepared for reuse and 65% of all packaging waste should be recycled. 

Ten countries are at risk of missing both targets, the commission said. Some countries continue to put most of their waste in landfills, risking missing another target on reducing landfill by 2035. 

Germany, on the other hand, is one of nine countries on track to meet the targets. 

The other eight countries are Austria, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and Slovenia. 

“Turning waste into resources helps us on the way to climate neutrality, increases the security of supply of energy and raw materials, and creates local jobs and innovation opportunities,” Sinkevicius said. 

Reducing waste and increasing recycling rates are seen as some of the key pillars of European efforts to build a circular economy. 

Different EU-wide recycling targets have been set for the years 2025, 2030 and 2035.