Former US vice president Pence files for 2024 White House bid

Washington, Jun. 6, (dpa/GNA) – Former US vice president Mike Pence filed documents with the Federal Election Commission on Monday, formalizing his bid to become president.

Pence is expected to announce his bid publicly on Wednesday.

The 63-year-old Republican is challenging his former boss Donald Trump for the party’s nomination. Pence had been his deputy from 2017 until he left the White House following his 2020 defeat.

For years, Pence acted as a loyal second-in-command to Trump. But in the turmoil following the 2020 presidential election, the relationship between the two soured.

Trump supporters stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021, while Pence was presiding over the confirmation of Joe Biden’s victory. Trump also incited his supporters to make threats against Pence.

Pence later called Trump’s remarks and his behaviour dangerous.

However, Pence later rejected impeaching Trump for his role in the storming of the Capitol saying that it would be too divisive. He also defended Trump against charges of paying hush money to a porn star.

The election is in November 2024.