Current global happenings are biblical prophecies on the end time – Pastor   

By Dennis Peprah   

Abesim, (B/R), May 21, GNA – Pastor Paul Adu Adjei, the Abesim District Pastor of the Deeper Life Bible Church has admonished Christians to be watchful and be ready for the second advent of Jesus Christ, the saviour of the church.   

He emphasized recent happenings around the globe, including the economic downturn, flooding, earthquakes, wars and rumours of wars as well as diseases and pestilences were all biblical prophecies foreshadowing the “rapture,” the catching up of the saints.   

Pastor Adjei gave the warning when delivering a sermon titled “Signs of the end time,” at a church service at Abesim, near Sunyani, saying “What we are hearing elsewhere and seeing here are clear indications Christ’s second coming to rapture the church is imminent.”   

He expressed worry about the rise in moral decadence as well as the get-rich-quick syndrome among the youth in the country and urged Christians to intensify evangelism and reach the masses with the Word of God which contained the power to transform the sinner or unbeliever.  

Pastor Adjei said the Word of God remained the surest remedy to save and deliver the sinner from the looming and impending judgment of God, but added until “we preach the word in season and out of season, there is no way the sinner can repent, convert and accept the eternal life of God”.   

Every soul, he added, had eternity stating, “Where to spend eternity, either in heaven or hell is the problem every living soul must ponder and contemplate”.   

As ambassadors and the bride of Christ, Pastor Adjei said the responsibility was placed on every Christian to show love and preach the word of God to sinners and added “Our preaching must be centred on Christ who is our high priest and, the mediator between God and man.”  

He said advancement in technology had provided enormous opportunities for the church to reach out to sinners everywhere with the gospel which is the heartbeat of God.   

“Virtually, all the biblical prophecies ahead of the second of Christ had been fulfilled and we need to be watchful and prepare ourselves to meet Christ in the air, as predicted in the Bible. Our preaching must put emphasis on the rapture because that is the only hope for the nation,” Pastor Adjei stated.   

As the embodiment of love, Pastor Adjei said Christ expected the church to love and care for the needy and vulnerable in society, saying by doing so, “we would be able to persuade sinners and unbelievers into the Christian faith.”  

He reminded that Christians who served and worshipped God in sincerity and in truth would prosper here and be blessed and joyous hereafter, saying, “There is however no hope for the wicked if they continue to wallow in sins and in their wickedness.”