ActionAid Ghana supports climate justice campaign at Gnarung

By Solomon Gumah

Gnarung (N/R), April 18, GNA – ActionAid Ghana in collaboration with the Northern Regional chapter of Activista Ghana has undertaken a door-to-door sensitisation campaign on climate change at Gnarung in the Sagnarigu Municipality.

It was to reach out to the residents with messages on climate change and its mitigating factors.

It formed part of the Climate Justice Campaign targeting various stakeholders at various communities.

Communities reached so far with the campaign included Wayamba, Kpene and Gnarung in the Sagnarigu Municipality.

Mr Issahaku Abdul-Latif, Northern Regional Coordinator of Activista Ghana, after the sensitisation, said it was to ensure that issues of climate change were properly discussed with residents.

He said the Northern Region was currently facing multiple climate – related impacts such as severe droughts and floods, water scarcity and air pollution, hence, the campaign was to help reverse the trend.

He called on traditional authorities to enact and implement by-laws to regulate illicit use of agrochemicals, bush burning and deforestation.

He emphasised that, “Young people must champion climate change campaigns in their communities because its impact directly affects their survival and livelihoods.”

Mr Umar Ali, a resident of Gnarung, lauded the initiative calling for more community engagements to sustain the vegetation.

Mr Abdul-Rahman Nindoo, another resident, appealed for the provision of seedlings to the area to encourage tree planting.