Germany supports World Bank president nominee Ajay Banga

Berlin, Mar. 16, (dpa/GNA) – Ajay Banga, the US nominee to head the World Bank, can count on Germany’s support, the government in Berlin said on Wednesday.

The 63-year-old Indian-born American was nominated by US President Joe Biden last month.

Banga was head of MasterCard for more than a decade and is on track to replace the outgoing head of the World Bank, David Malpass.

Malpass announced he would step down in June, a year before his regular end of term. His tenure was marred by controversial comments that seemed to question whether humans played a role in climate change.

Traditionally, the US provides the head of the World Bank, which lends money to poor countries on favourable terms to strengthen their economies and fight poverty, while Europe chooses the head of the International Monetary Fund.

The US is the World Bank’s largest shareholder. But it still needs the backing of other member states for its nominee to go through.

In Berlin, Development Minister Svenja Schulze said Germany will support Banga’s candidacy, although she admitted she would have preferred a woman president.

“It is a pity that it was not possible to find a female candidate for this office,” Schulze said during questioning by lawmakers in parliament.

Benga pledged the promotion of women would be a focus – both within the bank and in project funding.

Schulze said the World Bank needed major reforms and new priorities.

“It’s about a new mission statement and a new business model to make the World Bank a leader in addressing global challenge,” she said.

Banga has promised efforts on a socially equitable climate and environmental protection.