NCCE to lead sanitation campaign in Greater Kumasi 

By Yussif Ibrahim   

Kumasi, Feb. 28, GNA – The Ashanti Regional Directorate of the National Commission for Civic Education (NCCE) has announced plans to organise clean-up exercises in the various municipalities within the Greater Kumasi Area. 

Madam Margaret Konama, the Regional Director of the Commission, said it was imperative for the Commission to show the way, as its mandate was to educate citizens on their civic responsibilities. 

She said this after joining officials of the Suame Municipal Directorate of the Commission to undertake a clean-up exercise in the town.  

The exercise, which sought to improve sanitation at Suame Magazine, was a collaboration between the NCCE, the Suame Municipal Assembly, and Zoomlion Ghana Limited.  

They cleaned the streets and desilted choked drains joined by various artisans, who applauded the NCCE for leading the exercise.  

The NCCE took the opportunity to sensitise the artisans on the importance of environmental cleanliness and encouraged them to periodically clean their surroundings.  

Madam Konama said the Commission would replicate the exercise in other municipalities to instil the culture of cleanliness in the citizenry.  

She urged the public to respond to the initiative by participating in the exercise whenever it was held in their localities. 

Ms Constance Amankwaa, the Suame Municipal Director of NCCE, urged the public to always maintain a clean environment.  

Some members of the public expressed gratitude to the Commission for the initiative and promised to periodically organise clean up exercise at the place.